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Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care

"This is simply the best source that anyone can find on the mechanics, diagnosis, and conservative treatment of the foot"

Foot orthoses and other forms of conservative care

Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care

Editors: Thomas Michaud

Publisher: Thomas Michaud (1997); 249 pages

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Comment from a reader about Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care:

"This is simply the best source that anyone can find on the mechanics, diagnosis, and conservative treatment of the foot. If you are a chiropractor, podiatrist, pedrothist, orthopedist, etc., you MUST have this book on your shelf. The subject of Foot Orthoses is not a simple one, yet Dr. Michaud does an excellent job of explaining with clear diagrams and illustrations to follow. This book should be mandatory in all schools involved with the subject of foot mechanics and treatment."

Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care covers:

Early chapters describe three dimensional joint and muscle interactions present during the ideal gait cycle. (including updated information by McPoil and Cornwall on midstance period pronation). Chapter three follows with the most detailed description of abnormal foot function ever prescribed, containing over 250 references and 195 illustrations describing the pathomechanics, classic signs and symptoms, and orthotic management for every conceivable structural and functional abnormality including:
* rearfoot and forefoot varus (supinatus) deformity

* rigid forefoot valgus and plantarflexed first ray

* hypermobile first ray

* elongated second and abnormal first metatarsal

* effects of functional versus structural leg length discrepancy

* hypermobile subtalar joint

* vertically displaced oblique midtarsal joint axis

You will also learn when not to prescribe orthoses.

This text describes in detail other forms of conservative care including the use of manipulation, stretches, strengthening exercises, and various proprioceptive neuromuscular re-education drills.

The final chapters of Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care provide you with essential information on:
*Biomechanical examination, including updated data regarding interrater reliability of the various weight-bearing and non-weightbearing examination techniques.

* Dynamic evaluation of the gait cycle

*A complete review of all casting techniques including a discussion of the pros and cons associated with semi- and full-weight-bearing step-in methods, neutral position off-weight-bearing plaster castings, hang technique, in-shoe vacuum technique, and CAD-CAM procedures.

* Laboratory and in-office fabrication methods including a detailed discussion of all materials, shell shapes, additions, intrinsic and extrinsic posting techniques, and all sport-specific modifications.

* Selection of appropriate shoe gear and clinical problem solving.

Comments about Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care:

"This book may represent the best effort to date that any author has made dealing with the normal and pathological foot…..In summary, this book is an absolute must for every practitioner who deals with the conservative treatment of the foot." Donald Shurr, CPO, PT (The Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy)

"This is one great text. Dr. Michaud has taken the time not only to read the world literature relative to the subject, but [brings] the reader what they want most: a clear, concise, well written text that supplies information the clinician can use right now…..A gem" Keith Innes, DC (MPI’s Dynamic Chiropractic)

"Dr. Michaud has succeeded in explaining the biomechanical basis of foot orthoses very beautifully." Shuichi Kakurai, MD (Professor of Central Rehabilitation Service, University of Tokyo Hospital)

"This text presents the gold standard for identifying locomotor system dysfunction in the lower extremities. It’s now required reading for the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic rehab program."

Craig Liebenson, DC. (Author of Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioners Manual)

Book review of Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care from ChiroWeb:

"The lower extremities, more specifically the subtalar joint and all its component functions, have been something of a hobby for me these past five years. When I was asked to review this text I awaited it with great expectation, hoping that I would not be let down. Well suffice it to say this is one great text. Dr. Michaud has taken the time to not only read the world literature relative to the subject, but has mastered the ability to exercise his own personal nonsense detector and leave the reader with what he wants most: a clear, concise, well written text that supplies information that the clinician can use now -- yes right now!"

"Anyone who has tried to read Inman's text or struggled with Root's concepts or Hiss' paradoxical confusions will surely understand what a gem this text is."

"The text is divided into seven distinct chapters followed by a comprehensive index. It provides a quick review of the applicable anatomy with emphasis placed on function and not statics. This is followed by gait, both normal and abnormal, with special attention given to the treatment protocol and its subsequent management. Chapter four is dedicated to the examination of the foot and ankle and contains well illustrated pictures to help the reader with the visual image that is so important when dealing with triplanar motions. The remaining chapters provide the reader with what has to be the finest reference for the taking of an impression when ordering an orthotic device. Dr. Michaud has included both weight and non-weightbearing techniques and supplies us with the rationale of the when, why, and how to incorporate these techniques into our daily lives and practices. You will really enjoy this book."

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Links of relevance to Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care:

Learning resources on foot orthoses

Contemporary Pedorthics

The Foot: Optimizing Function

Orthotics: A Comprehensive Interactive Tutorial CD-ROM

Orthotics in Functional Rehabilitation of the Lower Limb

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"This is simply the best source that anyone can find on the mechanics, diagnosis, and conservative treatment of the foot"

Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care


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